07 January 2017



hola guys. 2017 has begin. may you have fantastic health in future. Stay healthy, stay warm wherever you are. 

11 July 2016



after a week off, rasa pelik pegang pen. tangan dah tak sync nak menulis. tulisan jadi buruk. Alhamdulillah, kami geng mechanical already suffered greatly sebelum cuti, now a bit easier in life. cuma berhuhuhu dengan assignments. tiba - tiba lecturer drop the bomb masa tengah cuti, memang tak lah e-learning tu dicheknya. esok nak hantar baru pulun mlm ni, naisss.

sedar tak sedar, sekarang ni almost a quarter of the semester left untuk dihadap. phew. lets do this. lets go through this. cerita pasal bali cuti, kami masuk #teambaliklewat. buat kerja bijak tak fikir, sebelum subuh gerak dari rumah nak kejar bas punya pasal. alhamdulillah managed to arrive earlier than the departure time. kalau idak, berdenun sana apak kena hantar wei. 

28 June 2016



half of the semester was done. but yeah, we got no mid sem break. its okay, it wasnt even there since the foundation years though. this week was hectic. tons of assignment that are on due (everyday have to submit something) , add up some quizzes and tests here and there. ain is practically 'enjoying' this.

nothing new happened though, well except for that one thing. farith cut down his beloved hair!!! not used of seeing him with the new hair (eventhough it was like the old times). currently my sleeping pattern changed a lot. midnight is the day and vice versa. im not coping well with all of thissss~~ but still, need to stay focused. i have to earn my degreee.

nowadays, i felt like slowly being derived away from myself. anddddd its not a good thing. hentak kepala ke dinding. ahahh, whyyyyyyyyyyyy ain why.

ranting is over. im out. 

30 April 2016

2016? hurrayyyy

it's already 2016 guys.

......man, that was quite a period since the last time i visit this site.

so, uhhh *insert emoticons garu belakang kepala*  Hello?


28 November 2014


Final dah makin dekat. Kbai.